Saturday, September 18, 2010

What Really Matters

Here is my take on a tragic story that hits close to home.  A well known celebrity from my city - Ocala, FL has made the news once again, regarding the tragic death of his autistic son.  Read the story here

At issue was a paper John Travolta signed waving certian treatment.  The problem here is that regardless of your thoughts about John Travolta, as a parent he had the right to choose the treatment he thought best.  This is the problem with the provax vs. novax debate.  It does not matter if you agree with Jenny McCarthy or not, the fact is that as a mother she has the right to choose the treatment her children receive.  I am not saying her antivax campign is not over the top, but, if you want vaccinatons you have the right to choose without the personal attacks.  At the end of the day right or wrong she is a concerned mom making the treatment choices foir her children herself.  Lest you forget, the medical profession had basically dropped the ball on autism, giving little or no help, direction or guidance on treatment.  Insurance companies do not pay for OT, PT or speech therapy, or anything that could help remediate symptoms, I don't think she is right in her conclusions, but I do echo her concerns regarding doctors and autism.

Regardless of your thoughts on autism, cause vs. cure, vax vs. novax, or remedial treatment, we need start with the basic mutual respect for other's ability to choose their own treatment, without imposing your ways on them.  If the autistic community wants respect we need to show it to each other first.

©2010 Dan Homan

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. Can we also agree that claiming Autism is worse than VPIs is not the way to handle things, either?
